Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Screenshot for Max

... I'm actually kind of impressed.  I shouldn't be saying this, but since Principles of Animation has stolen my soul, I haven't really worked on this much.  I managed to block my scene out in about 10-20 minutes in between Principles and this class.  Go me! (although it's SUPER simple and unrefined)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Layouts for Opera Set

Here are the three layout pics I drew up for our opera set.  I'll be adding a few more symbolic things here and there... one of my drawings has a note on it about the trees so I won't forget.  The river will be the tough part I bet.  Also, I will probably stretch it out a bit more because traditionally, Japanese temples don't have rivers around them... I think it is going to become a pond instead of a river.  That is at least a little more believable.  Then I can make fish too!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Research for Opera Set

Our first project is a model that could be used in an opera of our choice.  We are including multiple camera angles and textures.  I picked the opera "The Mikado," which is actually a pretty funny opera, set in Japan, though non of the words or names besides "Mikado" are even remotely Japanese.  They are basically "baby-speech" names from England.
The story in short:  The Mikado's son is traveling as a minstrel, known as Nanki-Poo when he comes to a village and falls in love with a girl, Yum-Yum, who is engaged to "the lord high executioner."  The girl's fiance, Ko-Ko, was given his job when a law is passed that "flirting" is outlawed.  Even so, he has been accused of this crime and is on death row himself.  Now, to get around his sentance that would have him kill himself, Ko-Ko tells Nanki-Poo that he can marry Yum-Yum for a month and then pretend to be executed.  Nanki-Poo agrees because he loves the girl and because a lady at his father's court, Katisha, wants to marry him (and she is well known for being absolutely terrible).  So everything is going acording to plan when suddenly the Mikado (the ruler of the land) visits, looking for his son with Katisha.  They find that he has been "executed."  Even though the Mikado accepts it, he tells Ko-Ko, Yum-Yum, and one other friend involved in the plot that they will be executed.  Ko-Ko begs Nanki-Poo to come out of hiding, but Nanki-Poo fears Katisha.  So they make a new plan to have Katisha marry Ko-Ko (which he eventually persuades her to do).  Then Nanki-Poo returns, and though Katisha is mad, the Mikado lifts the execution sentence.
.... not exactly short huh?  But it's funny.
So, here are the research pictures I have so far (THESE ARE NOT FOR SALE! THEY ARE ONLY FOR RESEARCH!!!):

3Ds Max®

I've been watching tutorials on Digital Tutors and I haven't hardly understood a word they were saying.  So, went to watch the videos included with the software and was eventually directed to the Autodesk® Youtube Learning site:


Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Semester Means New Class: Animation II

So, I must make a formal apology first: it seems that I violated a copyright rule for a couple of research images I used last semester.  I am very sorry and did not realize that they were copyrighted as such.  They were merely used for research and that I would never think of selling them or claiming them as my own.  I would love to have one of these beautiful cats (Abyssinians), and I will not use their pictures publicly until  have my own.  I will also try to remember this for future reference images, only leaving links, not images.  Again, I am very sorry.  Please forgive my breach in protocol.

Now, I am starting a new animation class and the first project is a set from a famous opera.  I have chosen The Mikado by Arthur Sullivan (music) and W.S. Gilbert (writer).  Don't know what scene I'm doing, but we'll see.