Monday, February 14, 2011


Whenever I go into edge mode to add an offset edge loop, so I can actually finish my last three pieces, something in Maya won't let me add them.  And, I can't find a way to change my number of divisions on the base object, it just won't let me.  I'm going to need a bit of help.  I went back and watched the Lynda vid on adding edge loops, and I'm doing everything right.  It will let me add offset edge loops on the top of my model, but not the middle where I need them.  I can only make vertical loops in the middle, and I need horizontal ones.
Also, I still haven't caught up on the Digital Tutorials because I'm spending just about every waking moment on these chess pieces, trying to figure out what the problems are.  As soon as I get the project done I will devote every waking moment to the vids. Promise.
As for an update on my chess model, I have a corrected board (Daniel informed me that I had it checkered backwards), the pieces in the right places, the kings, the queens, and the pawns all on the board in the right place.  I still have to put the sash on the knight and the rook, and I need to make the top piece for the bishop + it's sash.

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