Thursday, April 21, 2011

First Furry Render!

I just finished working on the fur render.  Starting over on the rig again.  Thanks to the Creative Crash tutorial, I might understand what I'm doing.  I kind of wish I had made eyes that move... that I could make all shiny... maybe I'll work on it this summer and make a better model.


  1. I am referring to your use of two Abyssinian cat photos by Helmi Flick in breach of copyright on another one of your Blogger sites. I have made a formal complaint to If the complaint in upheld the page on your site will be deleted.

    Michael Broad

  2. I am sorry for the breach in policy. I have deleted the post entirely. I meant no disrespect for the photographer. I posted the images only for my instructor to see that I was researching images for my model. Please accept my most sincere apologies. It will not happen again. Please have a nice day.
