Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Starting on my tutorials for rendering in the Maya book

Just wanted to post the first image I took so that you know I am learning stuff. :)
I've been kinda sick the today so I didn't get much accomplished, but I will work on it before class tomorrow.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Extra research pics that I hadn't posted yet

I tried

I tried to recreate the level UVs in Mudbox (that should be how to fix my problem if it was a UV problem) and that didn't work. So, my new theory is that it has something to do with my multiple pieces.  I made a mistake by not combining all of the pieces in Maya first. I didn't know how that would affect the quads and from the Digital Tutors vids, it looked like having multiple pieces was okay.
Well, on the final I will do my very best to make it right!
I have a turntable vid created (one of the render functions in Mudbox not Maya).  That's what I guess I'll be showing in class too.  Sadly, it still has one yellow eye because the select function didn't turn off before it made the vid.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The best I can do so far...

Well, I couldn't really fix whatever it is that's keeping me from actually painting and finishing my model.  Also, I'll have to ask about the turn table render when I get in class. I forgot how to do it.
I did manage to get the eyes a different color when I moved the file to Maya.  Since they are separate geometry (which is probably what's causing my problems) I can apply a different material to them to make them stand out.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Painting Trouble

I think I messed something up in the model, and I'm not quite sure what... There are a bunch of little glitches and most of them tend to make Mudbox either very slow, or crash.  Or, like my newest issue, affect things they should not affect...
So, I'll try to get to class really early to see if I can get help.  I only had internet for three days over break and even then, wasn't at my computer much.  So, I again, didn't finish the tutorials on Mudbox (which might be why I don't totally understand why I have problems).
BUT!! I think I have finally found what I like to do (granted I can figure out how to make it work right)!!!  I like painting models! In Mudbox, you can hand-paint things.  I love it!!! Much happiness.
Even so, like I said, right now, I have some technical issues.  Here's what's happening:

When I try to paint the underbelly and chest, it gets "badger stripes" on its head and splotches on the legs in weird places.

This is what the feet should kind of look like.  I snapped this picture before I tried to rotate the model or click anywhere else on the window.

This is what happen as soon as I hit the Command/Apple key.

So, in the morning, I'll watch the quick tutorial about how to put it in Maya and render it on a turntable.  The one that I'm looking at turning in is like the second picture without the black feet (I forgot to get a snapshot before I closed; will post one tomorrow).

Finished all the Fur!

So, when I say fur, I mean an imprint texture... but it looks kinda like fur.
Also, I'll be painting on the color this evening when I get back from Financial Peace University (the Dave Ramsey class).

Update from Spring Break

I didn't manage to post this over the weekend since I ended up being too busy.  But, now they are here.  I realized around midnight on Saturday that I hadn't put all of the furry texture on the legs... Also, I don't think I'll be able to do the fur in Maya, and paint it in Mudbox.  I was trying to make it all in Mudbox.

(The eyes are blue because they are frozen)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Troubles with Mudbox

Well, I found that when Mudbox gets a project big enough, I can't be running any other programs.  It forced my Mac to crash.  It was not fun.
I would have a new image of my progress (because there has been some) but I won't have internet until Saturday night after this evening.  I promise to get screenshots (if I can run Grab) while I work Friday and Saturday and post them as soon as I can Saturday night.  Since I won't have internet those days, I can spend all my time on Mudbox. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Basic Body Complete

I just finished the basic head (third time was the charm).  It looks really blocky, but that's okay because I'm going to sculpt it in Mudbox.
I'll get to work with the tutorials in class.  It's easier when there are two computers to work with.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Front Legs

I have my chunky front legs now.  I still have to make the head again (third time's the charm).  I figure most of my Spring Break will be spent on modeling.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Working Slowly on my Otter

I've spent most of the day working on my model.  I work a bit slower than everyone else I guess.  Then again, having Mudbox crash after an hour or two of work and loosing everything doesn't help... But, things are about back to where they were.  Getting the polymeshes figured out is a bit tough sometimes, but I think I've got it now.  Also, had to remake the body because I found that an extrude along a curve ends up transparent.  The new body isn't as smooth and fluid, but it works okay.  The legs are chunky looking because I haven't started really modeling on them yet. I have the head modeled too (at least the chunky version), but haven't imported it yet.
I'm not sure how to attach everything still, I figure that's in the tutorial, which is easier for me to do if I'm watching it in class.

This is what it looked like when I tried a body extruded along a curve.

New body from a cylinder.

A bit of basic shaping and hind legs.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Working in Mudbox

So, I started the tutorials for Mudbox.  Honestly, I think it's a bit easier than ZBrush so far.  The interface seems cleaner (maybe that's just because it's similar to Maya, which I already know).  A pen tablet also makes the sculpt brush much easier.  Sometimes I have trouble remembering to add more subdivision levels for finer sculpting, but I'm learning fast!
All the images this time are from the tutorial lesson files (well, the last two are half project half my playing around).  The otter model for the project is... okay.  I'm working on it. :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Um... Problem

I've watched the first tutorial, but had trouble doing it since I only worked on it on my laptop.  But, I'll watch them again another time to reiterate everything.
But, that's not my problem.  Alex so awesomely helped me get my Maya model into ZBrush, but when I load it into ZBrush, it gets a star in the middle, like this:

Wait... I fixed it! While I was typing here I went back and fiddled with it.  I forgot you have to make the object a polymesh.  So, now it works! It looks like this now: 

Also, I'm guessing I'm having trouble loading my head part because it has a poke face on it, but I'll ask when I get to class.  
I'll get to work on the other tutorials that you sent, Jeff.