Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Um... Problem

I've watched the first tutorial, but had trouble doing it since I only worked on it on my laptop.  But, I'll watch them again another time to reiterate everything.
But, that's not my problem.  Alex so awesomely helped me get my Maya model into ZBrush, but when I load it into ZBrush, it gets a star in the middle, like this:

Wait... I fixed it! While I was typing here I went back and fiddled with it.  I forgot you have to make the object a polymesh.  So, now it works! It looks like this now: 

Also, I'm guessing I'm having trouble loading my head part because it has a poke face on it, but I'll ask when I get to class.  
I'll get to work on the other tutorials that you sent, Jeff.  

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