Saturday, March 5, 2011

Working Slowly on my Otter

I've spent most of the day working on my model.  I work a bit slower than everyone else I guess.  Then again, having Mudbox crash after an hour or two of work and loosing everything doesn't help... But, things are about back to where they were.  Getting the polymeshes figured out is a bit tough sometimes, but I think I've got it now.  Also, had to remake the body because I found that an extrude along a curve ends up transparent.  The new body isn't as smooth and fluid, but it works okay.  The legs are chunky looking because I haven't started really modeling on them yet. I have the head modeled too (at least the chunky version), but haven't imported it yet.
I'm not sure how to attach everything still, I figure that's in the tutorial, which is easier for me to do if I'm watching it in class.

This is what it looked like when I tried a body extruded along a curve.

New body from a cylinder.

A bit of basic shaping and hind legs.

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