Monday, March 21, 2011

Painting Trouble

I think I messed something up in the model, and I'm not quite sure what... There are a bunch of little glitches and most of them tend to make Mudbox either very slow, or crash.  Or, like my newest issue, affect things they should not affect...
So, I'll try to get to class really early to see if I can get help.  I only had internet for three days over break and even then, wasn't at my computer much.  So, I again, didn't finish the tutorials on Mudbox (which might be why I don't totally understand why I have problems).
BUT!! I think I have finally found what I like to do (granted I can figure out how to make it work right)!!!  I like painting models! In Mudbox, you can hand-paint things.  I love it!!! Much happiness.
Even so, like I said, right now, I have some technical issues.  Here's what's happening:

When I try to paint the underbelly and chest, it gets "badger stripes" on its head and splotches on the legs in weird places.

This is what the feet should kind of look like.  I snapped this picture before I tried to rotate the model or click anywhere else on the window.

This is what happen as soon as I hit the Command/Apple key.

So, in the morning, I'll watch the quick tutorial about how to put it in Maya and render it on a turntable.  The one that I'm looking at turning in is like the second picture without the black feet (I forgot to get a snapshot before I closed; will post one tomorrow).

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